We’re Building More Protections For The Elderly

Mission Statement

Virginia’s Law will create focused and harsh criminal punishment, at a federal level, for those convicted of stealing and abusing senior citizens. We encourage victims to say “Enough” and share their stories.

Legislature on Elderly Abuse and Elderly Fraud has been ignored for too long.

Senior Fraud Costs Our Elderly Billions Yearly

Billions of dollars are stolen from seniors annually, and thousands are victims of physical abuse every year. Unbelievably, almost half of the financial and physical abuse is done to seniors by their own families.

Existing Laws Are Not Enough

Although there are Criminal Laws in the United States and Canada that deal with theft and physical abuse, some specifically relating to seniors, it is not taken as seriously when it’s a senior.

Family On Family Fraud Complicates Criminal Descriptions

When the family is involved, crime is even more unfortunate.  Stealing or physically abusing a senior by relatives is treated as a “Family Dispute”.  The challenge is, these are not family disputes, they are serious crimes. Moreover, whether it’s relatives or a stranger, it’s a problem that goes mostly unreported. Greater than that, the problem is completely out of control.

Virginia’s Law Provides Avenues For Financial Institutions to Help Prevent Fraud

Existing Legislature Has Too Many Loopholes For Criminals

Banks and financial institutions are restricted by too many privacy laws when it comes to reporting suspected financial abuse of a senior.

Virginia’s Law in BOTH the United States and Canada is a federal law that will complement existing legislation. The goals are:

  1. Make stealing from a senior a criminal offense, even if it’s a family member.
  2. Create a restriction-free pathway for banks and financial institutions to report suspected financial abuse of seniors. Complimented by harsh penalties for failure to report.
  3. Automatic harsh prison sentences for those convicted of financial or physical abuse of a senior.

Articles and Helpful Sites on Elderly Abuse and Elderly Fraud

[interactive_banner banner_title=”National Center on Elder Abuse” banner_desc=”The NCEA provides the latest information regarding research, training, best practices, news and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation to professionals and the public.” banner_image=”id^48|url^https://virginiaslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Elderly002.jpg|caption^null|alt^Elderly Fraud|title^Elderly Fraud|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fncea.acl.gov%2F” ib_wrapper_margin=”margin:0px;”][interactive_banner banner_title=”Senior Safety” banner_desc=”Senior citizens are often the targets of crime due to their vulnerabilities. It is important to learn how to protect yourself or a loved one from harm.” banner_image=”id^148|url^https://virginiaslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Elderly010.jpg|caption^null|alt^Elder Abuse|title^Elder Abuse|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.peelpolice.ca%2Fen%2Fsafety-tips%2Fseniors-safety.aspx” ib_wrapper_margin=”margin:0px;”]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”Seniors in Hamilton scammed out of $347K in 2020″ banner_desc=”Police say extortion is top scam seniors face.

“The fraudsters will often use very persuasive language and trickery to lure the victims and continue this deceit in order to take as much money as possible from the victim.“” banner_image=”id^49|url^https://virginiaslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Elderly003.jpg|caption^null|alt^Elderly Fraud|title^Elderly Fraud|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fhamilton%2Fsenior-scams-hamilton-2020-1.5999740″ ib_wrapper_margin=”margin:0px;”][interactive_banner banner_title=”Creating a federal policy definition of “senior abuse”” banner_desc=”Senior abuse is an important human rights issue. It is also a social and public health issue that can undermine an older person’s:
1. quality of life
2. autonomy
3. dignity
4. sense of security, and
5. mental and physical health
The Canadian government is committed to strengthening Canada’s approach to senior abuse. To that end, they asked for feedback to create a federal policy definition of “senior abuse”. Currently, there is no standard in Canada. It can mean different things to different people depending on their life and ethno cultural experience.” banner_image=”id^147|url^https://virginiaslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Elderly009.jpg|caption^null|alt^Elder Fraud|title^Elder Fraud|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.canada.ca%2Fen%2Femployment-social-development%2Fcorporate%2Fconsultation-senior-abuse-definition.html” ib_wrapper_margin=”margin:0px;”]

[interactive_banner banner_title=”Seniors too ashamed to report financial fraud” banner_desc=”Of the more than 71,000 mass marketing fraud complaints received in 2017—with a total reported dollar loss of than $110 million—it is believed fewer than 5 per cent of victims actually file a mass marketing fraud report, according to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC).

“Many people will never report. They are too embarrassed and think nothing can be done,” says Laura Tamblyn Watts, national director, law, policy and research for CARP, an advocacy organization for aging Canadians. “It’s about normalizing and dealing with the question of shame and worry.”” banner_image=”id^47|url^https://virginiaslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Elderly001.png|caption^null|alt^Elderly Fraud|title^Elderly Fraud|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cpacanada.ca%2Fen%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2F2018-06-15-seniors-too-ashamed-to-report-financial-fraud” ib_wrapper_margin=”margin:0px;”][interactive_banner banner_title=”Shine a Spotlight on the Exploitation of Our Seniors” banner_desc=”While much has been written about seniors’ “exaggerated” level of fear, a better understanding is required as to why the elderly tend to be more fearful than other age groups. Is this higher fear level due to feelings of physical vulnerability or social isolation? Understanding the sources of this fear can contribute to the development of appropriate interventions as fear itself can isolate seniors, produce mental health issues, and make seniors more vulnerable to financial exploitation.

Be an educated consumer. Fraud is the Number 1 crime against seniors. If you have been defrauded, you may not necessarily be aware that you are a victim. The con artist will take your money and give you little or nothing in return. Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” banner_image=”id^142|url^https://virginiaslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Elderly004.jpg|caption^null|alt^Elder Fraud|title^Elder Fraud|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcrimestoppersniagara.ca%2Fprograms%2Fprotecting-our-seniors%2F” ib_wrapper_margin=”margin:0px;”]

Videos on Elderly Abuse and Elderly Fraud

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Fraud Prevention

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Financial Exploitation

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Financial Elder Abuse

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Elder Abuse

[ult_content_box box_shadow=”horizontal:px|vertical:px|blur:px|spread:px|style:none|” hover_box_shadow=”horizontal:px|vertical:px|blur:px|spread:px|style:none|”]

Elder Fraud
